Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Whats Love Addiction

Those involved in a pattern of love addiction do not continue such destructive patterns knowingly. It is their absolute belief that the current person is the one that was meant for them, and that they will be together for the rest of their lives—defying all odds and obstacles, if necessary. The meaning that they derive in their own life is directly tied to this belief. In fact, it is in this irrational thought process that provides the eLove Addiction usually involves a pattern of frequent relationships that often begin with intense passion and which end relatively quickly. A variation of this is the involvement in long-term relationships with dramatic highs/lows, thus simulating a similar range of emotions as that found in short-term relationships.
Often, these relationships are staggered, with multiple, simultaneous relationships taking place at different stages within the unique pattern. As the pattern continues, the negative impact that the "low cycles" have on a person's esteem becomes greater and greater--creating a more definitive need for a new relationship (or new commitment to an ongoing relationship). Just as often, however, is a pattern where there is an absolute commitment to a single relationship—no matter how unhealthy and/or destructive that relationship becomes.
 motional comfort and stability that they seek. 

In it's extreme form, that of romantic delusions, love addiction can lead to the horrific stalking and violence episodes often portrayed in the news. Suicide and self-mutilation is also common in extreme cases. Most often though, love addicts tend to have an extremely low self-esteem, feel that their worth is tied to their current partner/relationship, and are often uncomfortable in social situations. Because of the personal sacrifices that they are so eagerly willing to make, more advanced love addictions tend to be accompanied by poor career development and impulsive financial management—though this is by no means a steadfast rule. 

One exception to this profile is the successful professional suffering from romantic delusions involving the rescue of someone in distress. In such a scenario, the love addict frequently fantasizes about walking into a fast food restaurant (or hiring a maid or some other person from a significantly lower economic class/culture) and falling instantly in love with this person--proceeding to take on the role of their savior.