Tuesday, December 20, 2011



When you touch your lips deliberately to another person or object, or make a gesture that mimics such contact, you are kissing. Kissing in some form or variation happens everywhere---in public, in private, in the wild, in the most civilized social situations. Many animals besides human beings---including dogs, cats, and chimpanzees---kiss, or at least seem to be exhibiting what we'd call kissing behavior. We all kiss, and we all tend to take kissing for granted. But kissing can be a fascinating, complex thing. No matter how many kisses you've given and received, you probably have no idea how many types of kisses there actually are or how differently people all over the world view kissing. Here you'll find more than you ever thought there was to know about kissing.



                                HOW TO KISS FIRST TIME

                         The first kiss is a resilient memory, persisting in your mind as long as you live

Reminisce about the moment of your first kiss. Remember everything you can about its context:
 who it was with, what it meant to you, when it took place and where you were. 
Describe what lead up to the kiss. Did you know you were going to kiss her that day, or was

 it random? Give details about your surroundings at the time. Was there music on the radio?
 Were there other people around? What was the weather like? Write down all the details 
you can remember.

Write about the feel of the actual kiss. Vividly explain what stuck out the most:
 the texture of her lips, the playful or coyness of his tongue, the taste and other 
aspects of the moment.  Give details about whether or not it was what you expected.
Give your other senses a chance to describe the kiss. What smell sticks out in your mind?

 Detail any specific remembrance of perfume or cologne or include an abstract account 
of it: "...the tangy, sweet smell of the kiss sticks out in my mind." 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


                             My First Love Lyrics

  you know its true what they say
you never forget your fisrt true love
cause its been awhile since i seen you
and as much as i want to let go of our past
your were just one of the things in my life
that ill never forget
this ones dedicated to you                                                  
so young and nieve
we didnt know what to do or say
and boy you were so beautiful
you were so perfect in my eyes
i know you saw me the same 
and though we both changed
there are some things i came to realize
do you ever look back on how we used to be
do you ever think about you and me
i would never forget you because all that we been through
in my heart youll stay eternally
do you ever look back on how it used to be
though we grown apart and gone astray
lately your all that im thinking of
cause ill never forget my first love
see you never forget your first love

i remember when we first danced                   
angel of mine
kept you warm onthem rainy days
wanted to give you roses on the first time
see i remember when we first kissed
you were my baby my friend my lover

do you ever look back on how we used to be
do you ever think about you and me
i would never forget you because all that we been through
in my heart youll stay eternally
do you ever look back on how it used to be
though we grown apart and gone astray
lately your all that im thinking of
cause ill never forget my first love
see you never forget your first love

ill never forget you
your my first love          

Sunday, December 11, 2011


              Adolescence Time For change

It's a natural part of life to have sexual feelings. As people pass from childhood, through adolescence, to adulthood, their sexual feelings develop and change.

During the teen years, sexual feelings are awakened in new ways because of the hormonal and physical changes of puberty. These changes involve both the body and the mind, and teens may wonder about new — and often intense — sexual feelings.
It takes time for many people to understand who they are and who they're becoming. Part of that understanding includes a person's sexual feelings and attractions.
The term sexual orientation refers to the gender (that is, male or female) to which a person is attracted. There are several types of sexual orientation that are commonly described:
Heterosexual. People who are heterosexual are romantically and physically attracted to members of the opposite sex: Heterosexual males are attracted to females, and heterosexual females are attracted to males. Heterosexuals are sometimes called "straight."

Homosexual. People who are homosexual are romantically and physically attracted to people of the same sex: Females who are attracted to other females are lesbian; males who are attracted to other males are often known as gay. (The term gay is sometimes also used to describe homosexual individuals of either gender.)
Bisexual. People who are bisexual are romantically and physically attracted to members of both sexes.
Asexual. People who don't feel any sexual attraction and are not interested in sex at all, although they still feel emotionally close to other people.Asexual. People who don't feel any sexual attraction and are not interested in sex at all, although they still feel emotionally close to other people.
Teens — both guys and girls — often find themselves having sexual thoughts and attractions. For some, these feelings and thoughts can be intense — and even confusing or disturbing. That may be especially true for people who are having romantic or sexual thoughts about someone who is the same sex they are. "What does that mean," they might think. "Am I gay?"
Thinking sexually about both the same sex and the opposite sex is quite common as people sort through their emerging sexual feelings. This type of imagining about people of the same or opposite sex doesn't necessarily mean that a person fits into a particular type of sexual orientation.

Some teens may also experiment with sexual experiences, including those with members of the same sex, during the years they are exploring their own sexuality. These experiences, by themselves, do not necessarily mean that a person is gay or straight.


                 Lasting Love or Fun Fling

The third ingredient in a love relationship, commitment, is about wanting and deciding to stay together as a couple in the future — despite any changes and challenges that life brings.

Sometimes couples who fall in love in high school develop committed relationships that last. Many relationships don't last, though. But it's not because teens aren't capable of deep loving.

We typically have shorter relationships as teens because adolescence is a time when we instinctively seek lots of different experiences and try out different things. It's all part of discovering who we are, what we value, and what we want out of life.
Another reason we tend to have shorter relationships in our teens is because the things we want to get out of a romantic relationship change as we get a little older. In our teens — especially for guys — relationships are mainly about physical attraction. But by the time guys reach 20 or so, they rate a person's inner qualities as most important. Teen girls emphasize closeness as most important — although they don't mind if a potential love interest is cute too!
In our teens, relationships are mostly about having fun. Dating can seem like a great way to have someone to go places with and do things with. Dating can also be a way to fit in. If our friends are all dating someone, we might put pressure on ourselves to find a boyfriend or girlfriend too.
For some people dating is even a status thing. It can almost seem like another version of cliques: The pressure to go out with the "right" person in the "right" group can make dating a lot less fun than it should be — and not so much about love!
In our late teens, though, relationships are less about going out to have fun and fitting in. Closeness, sharing, and confiding become more important to both guys and girls. By the time they reach their twenties, most girls and guys value support, closeness, and communication, as well as passion. This is the time when people start thinking about finding someone they can commit to in the long run — a love that will last.


   Magical Ingredients of Love Relations

Love is such a powerful human emotion that experts are constantly studying it. They've discovered that love has three main qualities:

Attraction is the "chemistry" part of love. It's all about the physical — even sexual — interest that two people have in each other. Attraction is responsible for the desire we feel to kiss and hold the object of our affection. Attraction is also what's behind the flushed, nervous-but-excited way we feel when that person is near.

Closeness is the bond that develops when we share thoughts and feelings that we don't share with anyone else. When you have this feeling of closeness with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you feel supported, cared for, understood, and accepted for who you are. Trust is a big part of this.

Commitment is the promise or decision to stick by the other person through the ups and downs of the relationship.

These three qualities of love can be combined in different ways to make different kinds of relationships. For example, closeness without attraction is the kind of love we feel for best friends. We share secrets and personal stuff with them, we support them, and they stand by us. But we are not romantically interested in them.
 Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation. You're attracted to someone physically but don't know the person well enough yet to feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings.

Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation. You're attracted to someone physically but don't know the person well enough yet to feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings.

Romantic love is when attraction and closeness are combined. Lots of relationships grow out of an initial attraction (a crush or "love at first sight") and develop into closeness. It's also possible for a friendship to move from closeness into attraction as two people realize their relationship is more than "just like" and they have become interested in one another in a romantic way.
For people falling in love for the first time, it can be hard to tell the difference between the intense, new feelings of physical attraction and the deeper closeness that goes with being in love.



                  WHY HE R SHE FALL IN LOVE

Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel close to others they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, understood, and secure.

But each kind of love has its own distinctive feel. The kind of love we feel for a parent is different from our love for a baby brother or best friend. And the kind of love we feel in romantic relationships is its own unique type of love.

Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act on or express these feelings, they're still there. It's a natural part of growing up to develop romantic feelings and sexual attractions to others. These new feelings can be exciting — or even confusing at first.


                   Teenagers in Love & romanc
Friends from our childhood or adolescence are special, no matter how much time has elapsed between visits. These compelling connections are the result of shared roots during the formative years. Our childhood friends and teenage sweethearts experienced with us all the wonderful, horrible, boring, and embarrassing moments that helped to make us who we are today.
Yet, when children are young, parents may regard these relationships as insignificant. If the family must move to a new community and the children's close friends must be left behind, so what? They will make new friends, the parents assure them. But, is a friend as interchangeable as a new toy for an old one, or is there more to friendship than that? Why are we so elated to rediscover long lost friends in our adult years if, as some parents believe, they were so dispensable to us as children?

Even more belittled by many parents is a teenager's (or preteen's) love for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Adults refer to these relationships with demeaning language, calling them "just puppy love," and these romantic bonds are not taken seriously. Parents question the ability of teenagers to know what love is, yet they accept their teenagers' statements, "I love you, Mom & Dad," with full appreciation and at face value. If adults accept that teenagers can love parents truly, then shouldn't they also accept that teen romances are "real" love?
Recreational dating is relatively new. Teenagers many years ago married their first sweethearts right out of high school. These men and women of the World War II Generation married at younger ages than their Baby Boomer children or their Generation X or Millennial grandchildren. But education has become prolonged, so MARRIAGE is later. The age of puberty, however, has dropped. Whatever the reasons for this, reaching puberty influences the age of first love and first sexual experience. It is rare now to marry a first love. Today's teenagers date not for mate selection but for fun. However, the first love experience is no less powerful than it was in the 1940's.
Adults who underestimate the strength of the bond-- or the impact of the loss -- of a first love may have forgotten what a blow it was when they lost their own first loves. They may even try to comfort teenagers with lighthearted lessons: a surprising number of men and women wrote to me to bitterly complain about parents who joked years ago, "Don't worry! Boyfriends/girlfriends are like buses... a new one comes along every ten minutes!" This was not helpful, and it was not funny. The loss of a first love can be so crushing to some teenagers that they become suicidal
    The pain of the breakup will subside with time, but the love may stay buried and dormant for decades. While most men and women find satisfying partners after first love breakups, there are adults who spend their married years aware that "something is missing." They continue to think about their lost first loves. Perhaps if they had married their first loves when they were younger, they tell me, they could have formed lasting and fulfilling marriages, but they will never know. These romances were interrupted - often by their parents' interference. 

In my recent survey of 1600 people (who had never tried a reunion with a lost love), ages 18 to 92, 56% of the participants said they would not want to go back to their first loves, 19% were not sure -- but 25% said they would!
Even the adults who had no current interest in their first loves, including those who had only bitter memories, revealed that these early romances influenced their life-long attitudes about love, and even about themselves.
The longer I study lost loves and lost love reunions, the clearer it becomes to me how important young love really is. First love, young love, is indeed real love. This intense love does not come along every ten minutes. For some people, it may come only once in a lifetime.


                                        ADVICE - FOR - TEENAGE - LOVE

 Teenage Love really messes your head, doesn't it. If the answer is yes then you have come to the right place. Whatever be your problem, we have the solution.
Welcome to TEENAGE LOVE, as far as I know in the internet for teenagers and their love related queries. And for your knowledge, I am a TEACHER which makes the interaction and help much better.
Friends, Love is for everyone. We all have the right to fall in love. This is your guide to achieve your TEENAGE LOVE and keep your relationship smooth. So, what is love? We all have different answers to it. In my opinion love is the feeling that tells you that we need that one person you love and your life is incomplete without that person.                                                          
Most people understand love in their teens and fall in love for first time in teenage. So, I hope I will be able to help you all teenagers out there in your love life. Remember life without love is no life at all.
Whatever your need about teen love, you will find help in this site. We have a lot of articles on the specific topic of teen love on this site. Whether your problem is about confessing love, asking a girl on a date or understanding the signs of love,weI have the answer. We also have information on how to properly write love letters without messing it up. If you need help on how to flirt with your girl or boy to convey your feelings, we are here to help you out. Remember, this is about teenage love. So, the flirting tricks are not always the same as those mentioned in general love sites. If you are wondering about what to gift your boyfriend or girlfriend on the next big day, we have composed a list of great gifts that are easy on the pocket but makes the right impression.
So, take your time and browse the site. I am sure it will help you a lot in your teenage love life and make it a wonderful one. Good Luck.